5 Celebrities Who Have Used Surrogates to Conceive

“This is what they say about ‘surrogates and achieving the joy of parenthood”
The incredible gift of surrogacy has been rewarding to those who have inability to conceive. Countless number of celebrities have struggled with fertility related problems and cannot have children their on their own due to medical reasons, age or personal choice.
Celebrities have used a surrogate mother to expand their families. From Nicole Kidman to Sarah Jessica Parkar, Elizabeth Banks, stars have been open honest about their struggles with infertility and have discussed how gestational mothers changed their lives.
1. Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban
Kidman gave birth to the couple’s first child Sunday Rose, but used a surrogate to welcome their second daughter, Faith, in Dec. 2010.
“Having given birth and then being there to see my child born in that way, I felt so much love for our surrogate, gestational carrier,” says Nicole, who is married to singer Keith Urban.
2. Elizabeth Banks
Actress, Elizabeth Banks has been very vocal about her and her husband, Max Handelman, has welcomed both sons- Felix and Magnus, via surrogate mother.
“Like Felix, Magnus was born via gestational surrogate. This experience has exceeded all expectations, taught us a great deal about generosity and gratitude, and established a relationship that will last a lifetime,” the actress had announced it on her website.
The couple has been married since 2003. Felix was born in March 2011. Banks has explained that she had womb issues since the embryos would not plant.
“It’s a big leap, inviting this person into your life to do this amazing, important thing for you. And it’s hard losing that kind of control. But our surrogate is so extraordinary, and she’s still in our lives. She’s like an auntie,” she had said.
3. Neil Patrick Harris
Harris and Burtka are the proud dads of twins Harper and Gideon, who were born via surrogate in 2010. The couple had been together for seven years before deciding to go through with the surrogacy process.
“We really, really wanted kids,” Harris said. “We really had thought it through financially, emotionally, relationship-wise. We didn’t just accidentally get pregnant and decide that now we need to make this work. These kids come into our world with nothing but love.”
4. Sarah Jessica Parker
Parker gave birth to her first child, son James Wilkie, but welcomed twins Tabitha and Marion via a gestational surrogate in 2009.
“[We] tried and tried and tried and tried and tried to get pregnant, but it just was not to be, the conventional way—I would give birth as often as I could, if I could. I cherished all the milestones, the good and the bad,” Parker shared.
5. Giuliana Rancic
After years of struggling with infertility, Giuliana and Bill welcomed their baby boy Edward Duke via surrogate. “We had an amazing gestational carrier that we cannot thank enough for all that she has done for our family,” Giuliana said.
Surrogates have allowed couples to welcome babies and have brought joy to these stars. But Surrogacy is not just for stars and celebrities. Even you can also enjoy the joy of parenthood
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