How to Handle Depression During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy unfolds so many mysteries to women.They experience a lot of new things that happen to them during the gestation period and at times find themselves amidst a lot of emotions which are unknown to them. Pregnancy transforms their whole world into something new and exciting. But this is not the case for all women, if at one hand they experience complete joy for the advent of their unborn then at the other hand they may feel a little depressed owing to the physical, emotional and mental changes taking place in them.
During pregnancy most of the changes happen due to release of hormones that affects one’s emotions and may even lead to depression. Depression is a mood disorder that deteriorates ones thought process, the way they feel and act and it often hinders the daily routine of the expectant mother. The emotional change can be mild or severe and may possibly declines over the time of the treatment.
Both physical and mental factors shape one’s environment and in case of an expectant mother feels that there is a massive change that is affecting her badly, then she should consult the doctor immediately.
How depression affects your gestation period and the baby:
- Increases risk of miscarriage.
- Affects the growth of fetus.
- Increase chances of premature deliveries.
- Low weight of the infant.
If it’s not treated on time, depression can develop into a postpartum depression that may last for months or years affecting the health as well as the relationship between the mother and the baby. Adding on to maternal depression,an infant can also suffer from depression.It may result the child in having difficulty in interacting with their mothers and furthermore it may not be able to develop skills.
Symptoms of depression:
Symptoms can be subtle and severe and the expectant mothers do mislead by treating clinical depression for casual moodiness. The reason for such mistakes is that depression usually results in normal changes such as insomnia or fatigue. If the enlisted symptoms last for more than two weeks then it can be a sign of depression.
Changes in one’s Emotion:
- Perpetual felling of emptiness and sadness
- Irritation, anxiety, anger and frustration.
- Constant crying for no apparent reason.
Changes in One’s Body:
- Lack of energy and feeling exhausted all the time.
- Head ache, stomach ache etc.
Changes in Daily Routine:
- Irregular eating habits.
- Condition of insomnia or hypersomnia.
- Memory related issues.
- Loss of interest in daily activities.
- A sudden withdrawal from family and friends.
Causes of Depression During Pregnancy:
There are multiple factors which enhances the chances of depression during pregnancy which is as follows:
- If one has inherited it form their ancestors.
- If one was clinical depressed in the past then they are more likely to be suffering during pregnancy.
- Lack of support from family, friends and most importantly from the partner.
- Stressful life events and if thepregnancy was unplanned.
- Psychotherapy
- Medication
- Groups and online communities.
- Proper and Nutritious diet.
- Exercise.
- Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids via diet.
- Acupuncture.
Treatment for Depression During Pregnancy:
Natural Remedy for Depression:
It is important for an expectant mother to overcome issues like depression so that she can enjoy her pregnancy rather than stressing about it.