Infertility and Its Treatment: Overview of Intrauterine Insemination

The changing lifestyle has brought us various advantages along with disadvantages as well, where becoming parents is among the major problems that have occurred in the recent days. Every second couple is facing this condition due to some hormonal changes and modern lifestyle, which has a direct impact on our reproductive systems.
The Medical Advancements
The problem can arise from both ends. It can be from male or female as well. However, today, the medical science has developed to an advanced level that nothing can be impossible in this field. One can look for various techniques and medical approaches to experience the joy of parenthood. Whatever the problem is, there is a list of treatments that support your condition and serves you with the best. Let’s find how beneficial such treatments are:
- Ensure success rate
- No cuts and deep surgeries
- 100% safe
- Affordable treatment options
IUI: A Boon to Innovation
Among the various processes, Intrauterine Insemination or IUI is among the least invasive techniques used to help infertile couples achieve parenthood. IUI technique includes the injecting of prepared sperm directly into the uterine cavity of the intending mother. The process is super effective in cases where it is difficult for the sperm to reach the ovaries through natural phenomenon. To commence the process, sperm samples are collected, processed & then high-grade semen is injected into the uterus with the help of a catheter.
An IUI cycle can be suggested to the infertile patients where the causes of infertility include unexplained infertility, mild male factor infertility, ovulatory dysfunction, cervical factors and ejaculation issues in males. However, before choosing IUI as a preferred treatment option, an exclusive analysis of various factors is a must that can be done only by a specialist in the field. It is important for the couple to choose wisely the particular doctor and center so that they can get the best results without any doubt. So, don’t stress, just meet the specialist and let yourself enjoy the very happiness of being parents.