What is Meant by Repeated Miscarriage?

What is Meant by Repeated Miscarriage?

Repeated miscarriage or miscarriage of implanted embryo from uterine wall leads to premature termination. The repeated incidents of miscarriage, for three consequent times, in five month pregnancy duration, are termed repeated miscarriages. The expectant mother may develop anxiety at failure to reach positive conception and live birth rates. An inflammation in uterine lining can lead to bio-chemical conditions, leading to repeated miscarriage. Top reasons of […]

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Multiple IVF failures: Why and What to do?

Multiple IVF failures: Why and What to do?

A number of physiological conditions represent causes leading to IVF failures: Increasing maternal age, decreased number of oocyte collected by surgical aspiration, decreased availability of transferable mature eggs, decreased quality of embryos, elevated FSH levels, poor response to fertility medication, unexplained infertility, variation in experience & medical infrastructure at embryology lab. Reduced endometrial thickening & autoimmune responses in endometrial receptivity also has potential to create […]

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In Virto Maturation

In Virto Maturation

In Virto Maturation is a process similar to IVF approach, where oocyte is removed, at immature stage from Fallopian tube. The eggs are incubated in lab to maturity level, before micro-manipulation in micro-environment to create fertile embryos. IVM or In Vitro Maturation is a preferred method, over IVF In Vitro Fertilization, in outspread or manifestation of Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome and Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome, in […]

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Role of FET Frozen-Embryo-Transfer in Infertility Treatment

Role of FET Frozen-Embryo-Transfer in Infertility Treatment

The multiple or more than one embryo formation during IVF is frozen using liquid nitrogen at minus -196 ̊C. These frozen embryos, are utilized to achieve fertilization, in next cycle run of IVF. This technique is called Frozen-Embryo Transfer or FET. The advantage of FET or Frozen-Embryo-Transfer is that, the technique prevents or preludes, hormonal stimulation & egg collection again and again. Embryos are frozen […]

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How IVF Can Help You Conceive

How IVF Can Help You Conceive

IVF is a procedure in which mature ova is fertilized with male-sperm, outside the body environment. The initial monitoring and stimulation of female cycle results in super-ovulation. Super-ovulation is followed by removal of mature egg, or oocyte retrieval. The ovum or egg collected, are fused with fertile sperm cells, isolated on petri plates, containing nutrient media. The embryo obtained is cultured for a minimum of […]

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8 Ways to Relieve Pregnancy Back Pain

8 Ways to Relieve Pregnancy Back Pain

Back pain is a common occurrence during pregnancy. The developing fetus & baby-fat deposit at your abdominal region, forces a protruding belly-shape, resulting in unequal pressure at upper and lower end of backbone. The physiological action of ligament-loosening hormones Human Placental lactogen, Relaxin and Oxytocin , weight gain from sedentary life-style & a shifting center of gravity as a result of pregnancy-belly, adds up to […]

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Difference between a Day 3 and a Day 5 Embryo Transfer

Difference between a Day 3 and a Day 5 Embryo Transfer

The fusion of egg and sperm in natural environment, in womb leads to formation of embryo in surrogate. The similar feat can be achieved by use by IVF, to give birth to surrogacy baby. During the early growth of the multi-cell embryo, all of the energy and chemicals required for cell division, come from the mother’s egg. An embryo begins its growth as a single […]

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Surrogate Mothers Selection Criteria

Surrogate Mothers Selection Criteria

ICMR Guidelines The Indian Council for Medical Research provides for a list of guidelines to be followed on selection of surrogates on surrogacy process and IVF treatments in ART clinics located in India. Surrogate may be referred by doctor or surrogacy agency; however, negotiations between the couple and the surrogate need to be carried out independently during surrogacy process. Payment done to surrogate must be […]

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Changing Paradigms of Fertility Treatment in India

Changing Paradigms of Fertility Treatment in India

Infertility is a critical component of reproductive health, and has often been neglected. An accurate profile of the prevalence, distribution, and trends of infertility is an important first step towards shaping evidence-based interventions and policies to reduce the burden of this neglected disability globally. Most market research surveys, on reproductive health and fertility treatment fail to capture data on comprehensive medical history and clinical examination. […]

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