How Much do you Know About Natural In Vitro Fertilization

How Much do you Know About Natural In Vitro Fertilization

Natural IVF is a treatment in which one egg is collected from the normal monthly cycle egg release. This process is performed by monitoring the women’s menstrual cycle through monthly ultrasound. In the tenth day of monthly cycle the selected egg is retrieved and fertilized with the sperm. After fertilization the subsequent embryo is then implanted in the uterus. Natural IVF uses the natural ovulation […]

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Fibroids can Affect Women’s Fertility and Pregnancy

Fibroids can Affect Women’s Fertility and Pregnancy

Fibroid is a lump or a tumor in the women’s uterus. It is generally created by the fibrous connective tissue, which is actually a smooth muscle. It develops anywhere in the uterus. About half of the female population suffers from this disorder. These tumors are non-cancerous. Why Fibroids develop? The exact reason of its development is not yet clear. Fibroid initiates through the aberrant muscles, […]

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Methods to Minimize Swelling (Oedema) During Pregnancy

Methods to Minimize Swelling (Oedema) During Pregnancy

Oedema is very common disorder, and it happens to almost every woman during pregnancy. It is a capacity of excess water retention. This is visible in the form of swelling on the face and other parts such as, hands, wrist, ankles or feet. How it happens During Pregnancy? During the later months of pregnancy when child grows in your womb, there is a pressure exerted […]

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Multi Fetal Pregnancy Reduction during first Trimester of Pregnancy

Multi Fetal Pregnancy Reduction during first Trimester of Pregnancy

Multi fetal pregnancy reduction is a process in which the number of fetus is reduced. It is also known as multiple pregnancy when the number of fetus is two. And when the number increases to more than three fetuses, it is called high order pregnancy. These two types of pregnancy have high risk of miscarriages, still birth or lifelong disability of child. Causes of multi […]

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How Much do You Know About Placenta Previa during Pregnancy?

How Much do You Know About Placenta Previa during Pregnancy?

Placenta normally lies in the upper side of the uterus. But when it lies in the lower side, it causes problem as it covers the cervix partially or some time completely. This may cause a separation of placenta from the wall of uterus as dilation occurs during labor. How common this disorder is? In the third trimester of pregnancy, placenta previa affects about one in […]

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Urinary Tract Infection, its Precautions and Cure

Urinary Tract Infection, its Precautions and Cure

Urinary tract Infection is an ascending infection of bacteria that starts from the wall of vagina, and then infects the urethra. From there, the bacterium goes upwards and infects the urinary bladder also. Symptoms of UTI (Urinary tract Infection) A burning sensation when you urinate An intense urge to urinate, even though a very little urine comes out Pain or heaviness in your back Dark […]

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How important is Amniocentesis test During Pregnancy?

How important is Amniocentesis test During Pregnancy?

Amniocentesis is known as pre natal test, in which we take a small amount of amniotic fluid from the sac surrounding the fetus and test it in the laboratory. This small sample is taken with the help of needle, by inserting it into the uterus through abdomen. All these procedure is performed under the ultrasound guidance. Amniocentesis is performed to: Check certain birth defects such […]

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How safe IUI for Infertility Treatment?

How safe IUI for Infertility Treatment?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is actually a laboratory procedure, where fast moving sperm is separated and washed. Then this virus‐free sperm is artificially inseminated into the womb. In this process we can use partner’s sperm or donor sperm. Normally IUI is suggested to those couples who have unexpected fertility or have mild-factor infertility. You can go for Intra urinary insemination (IUI) if: If you are finding […]

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Tuberoclosis (TB) During Pregnancy

Tuberoclosis (TB) During Pregnancy

It is a bacterial infection usually occurs in the lungs. But it also affects other parts like; bones, uterus, kidney, nervous system and the brain. The infection when spread from lungs to other part of the body is known as an active TB. Symptoms of an active TB: Constant cough with phlegm and sometimes bloody. Fever Breathlessness Chest pain Weight loss Weakness and fatigue Nausea […]

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Tips to eliminate Constipation During Pregnancy

Tips to eliminate Constipation During Pregnancy

In the later stage of pregnancy, as the baby grows heavier and changes its position, many women develop constipation. It is very discomforting situation for a mother-to- be. Constipation causes backache and increases lethargy. Women can overcome such problems by bringing certain changes in her dietary habits, and also by incorporating some cleansing yogic practices. Dietary changes: Include roughage in your daily diet. Roughage is […]

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