Regain your Hormonal Balance Post Pregnancy

Regain your Hormonal Balance Post Pregnancy

You might be thinking that all your health problems have come to an end after birthing your baby but in reality, the game of hormones is still on. The joy of having your baby comes with a bunch of health problems while your body undergoes turmoil of hormonal turbulence. It is common in women to observe sudden mood swings, irritation, anxiety, stress, depression and what […]

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Can I take Metformin in Pregnancy?

Can I take Metformin in Pregnancy?

Every pregnancy demands special care and safety to have a healthy pregnancy. This is why, would-be mothers become extra careful about what they eat and when they eat. There are many factors involved to help you have a healthy baby without any birth defects. Apart from lifestyle and dietary changes, you might require you take additional multivitamins and folic acid supplements, especially in the first […]

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Best Exercises to Deal With Back Pain When Pregnant

Best Exercises to Deal With Back Pain When Pregnant

Are you having a tough time dealing with back pain in your pregnancy days? If yes then there is nothing to worry about since most women observe back pain ranging from mild to severe. The severity of back pain and discomfort causes is likely to interfere with your daily routine, making you feel tired more often. If you are experiencing major back pains while your […]

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Water Birth Uses, Benefits and Precautions

Water Birth Uses, Benefits and Precautions

Water birth is a gentler process of labor in a tub filled with warm water. It can be carried out at a hospital or at home. Many women are opting for this method at the time of delivery. The prime advantage of water birth is that the baby has grown in the gestational sac filled with amniotic fluid and while water birth, it creates a […]

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Is white discharge common during pregnancy?

Is white discharge common during pregnancy?

White discharge can be matter of concern when you are pregnant. Women or expecting women both observe vaginal discharge. However, the quantity and consistency of the vaginal discharge may vary in terms of frequency in women. Usually, women report of white, thick and creamy vaginal discharge. Sometimes, it is clear in appearance and it is not any infectious disease. Such a discharge is normal during […]

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Are Having Cramps During Pregnancy Normal?

Are Having Cramps During Pregnancy Normal?

Cramps in first trimester of Pregnancy: Pregnant women during their pregnancy days should watch out for mild to severe cramping. It may be indicative of a pregnancy complication or simply, uterine contractions. Now you must be thinking why cramping occurs? Here are few reasons behind cramping and early and late pregnancy phase. Cramps in first trimester of Pregnancy: 1. Cramping due to implantation Implantation occurs […]

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How Ovulation Improve My Chances to Conceive?

How Ovulation Improve My Chances to Conceive?

Know your most fertile period If you are planning to have a baby, you need to have better understanding of your most fertile period i.e when are you ovulating. Ovulation is a part of woman’s menstrual cycle where her ovaries release a certain amount of eggs, which travel towards the fallopian tube and wait for the sperm to reach the egg and cause fertilization. Ovulation […]

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Are you Experiencing Breast Changes During Pregnancy?

Are you Experiencing Breast Changes During Pregnancy?

Your breasts experience rapid changes as soon as you’re pregnant naturally or through IVF treatment. Your hormones play a great role in causing physical changes in your body. Small to big changes can be seen among which breast changes are the big ones. You may observe few of the symptoms or all of it as follows: 1 Bigger in size: Fatty issues begin to accumulate […]

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Can I get pregnant after removing IUD?

Can I get pregnant after removing IUD?

What is IUD? An intrauterine device is a tiny, usually T-shaped device that is placed in the woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy. It is a long-term reversible method used by couples around the world to avoid child birth. Coming off the IUD affects your hormones in different ways. It might affect your fertility potential but your fertility is regained soon after removal. In fact, it […]

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Is my baby’s weight normal?

Is my baby’s weight normal?

Every baby grows at a different pace but the weight numbers are merely an estimate. Your baby’s weight is likely to vary. There is nothing to worry about even if your ultrasound report indicates that your baby’s weight is lesser or on the higher side. Once you reach full term, your baby’s weight will range between >5 pounds, usually. You can track your baby’s weight […]

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