What is Meant by Repeated Miscarriage?

What is Meant by Repeated Miscarriage?

Repeated miscarriage or miscarriage of implanted embryo from uterine wall leads to premature termination. The repeated incidents of miscarriage, for three consequent times, in five month pregnancy duration, are termed repeated miscarriages. The expectant mother may develop anxiety at failure to reach positive conception and live birth rates. An inflammation in uterine lining can lead to bio-chemical conditions, leading to repeated miscarriage. Top reasons of repeated miscarriage, include genetic problems, immunological response or anti phospho-lipid problem, a severe form of blood clotting problem, structural or shape related issue with uterus.

Repeated miscarriage Cause and Effect

The cause of repeated miscarriages is hard to judge & adjudicate. On an average, one woman in 100 females in reproductive age or child bearing age, before menopause will develop repeated miscarriage.

Repeated miscarriage can also occur due to detachment of fertilized embryo from uterine wall & absence of fetal heartbeat at six weeks of conception success. Medical conditions and diseases increase the risk of repeated miscarriage. The diabetes mellitus condition is associated with increase in random glucose level, Thyroid gland dysfunction or hypothyroid condition or secretion of anti thyroid antibodies & luteal phase defects leading to imbalance in uterine layer formation, can lead to miscarriage. The pregnancy loss due to balanced trans-location is curtailed and prevented, with use of pre-genetic implantation diagnostics, to prevent transfer of genetic traits linked to genetic disorders in developing fetus. Abnormal or aneuploidy karyotype of embryo is a method to check the reason behind repeated miscarriage.

Since repeated miscarriage is an outcome and not a precursor condition, repeated miscarriage can best be avoided with medical precautions. Uterine abnormalities such as fibroid growth can result in repeated miscarriage. The cancerous outgrowth can be detected by pelvic ultrasound examination and surgically removed to prevent further miscarriage. The drug medication with aspirin tablet brings desired respite in autoimmune responses from presence of anti-thyroid antibodies. Preventive care in repeated miscarriage includes proper nutrition on consultation with your dietitian. Adequate hormonal balance of female hormone progesterone in particular prevents repeated miscarriage incidents. Systematic enzyme therapy is a novel approach that GP may perform or recommend, to build immunity against miscarriage.

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