Best Surrogacy Centre in Delhi

Welcome to International Fertility Centre, the best surrogacy centre in Delhi for couples seeking to pursue third-party reproduction. It can be a life-changing experience for couples who have been struggling to have a child for years. However, finding the right surrogacy center is crucial to assure a safe and successful surrogacy journey.

Why Choose Surrogacy in India?

India is the world’s leading destination for “Fertility-Tourism” Thanks to its quality healthcare, cost-effective treatment options, and advanced medical infrastructure. It is indeed the “world’s leading surrogacy destination.” In addition, the surrogacy cost in Delhi is typically a third of what it would be in the US or Canada, making it an affordable and attractive option for couples who wish to hold their own child and grow old with them.

If you are an Indian citizen and have been married for at least five years, you can seek surrogacy services at best surrogacy center in New Delhi. The law also allows surrogacy for women between the ages of 35 and 45. However, a woman with a living child from a previous marriage is not eligible for surrogacy.

Choosing the Best Surrogacy Centre in Delhi

Once you are interested in starting a family and living in one of several cities in India, you will find a proliferation of surrogacy centers. However, after extensive research, you should select the best Surrogacy Centre in Delhi to ensure the best possible outcome. You can inquire as much as you like about the services provided by the clinics, but the experience and success rate are the most important factors to consider.

In conclusion, surrogacy in Delhi is a simple and practical way for Indian couples to experience the joy of parenthood through surrogate mothers, provided that they should follow all applicable laws and regulations.

Surrogacy-Friendly State

Despite the country’s reputation as a surrogacy-friendly environment, commercial surrogacy has been outlawed in India. Regardless of India’s position as a surrogacy-friendly state, the new surrogacy law in India in 2021, which replaced the surrogacy act of 2002, prohibits commercial surrogacy and allows only altruistic surrogacy.

However, the new Surrogacy law says that the intended parents need to contribute their own genetic material in the form of eggs or sperm. Embryo donation is illegal because of the importance of maintaining the child’s biological relationship with the parents. In addition to protecting the child’s genetic makeup, this rule protects the legal parental rights of the intended parents.

Surrogacy in India at IFC

Doctors, IVF specialists, embryologists, nurses, and other staff at the International Fertility Centre, the Best Surrogacy Centre in Delhi, facilitate the surrogacy process thanks to their extensive knowledge and experience in assisted reproductive technologies. The International Fertility Centre is the most reputable surrogacy clinic in New Delhi, if not all of India. Our rates of success with in vitro fertilization and surrogacy are unparalleled.

We have successfully adapted our services to meet the needs of each of our patients, although surrogacy can be challenging for some. We’ve helped thousands of people realize their dreams of starting a family by providing high-quality services supported by a modern lab and innovative technology.

Surrogate Mothers

A selfless spirit and a strong desire to help others are essential for anyone considering becoming a surrogate mother. According to the new surrogacy law in India-2021 which states that only married women aged 25-35 with at least one biological child are eligible, as they have the maternal experience and emotional strength necessary to carry a pregnancy to term. But being a surrogate isn’t just about having the right credentials; it also demands a high level of physical and mental fitness to ensure the safety of both the surrogate and the baby.

With the help of your willing surrogate mothers, we are here to help every intended parent through each and every step of the surrogacy process. Many Indian patients who chose IFC for surrogacy praise the programme, saying it is the best in India.


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