IVF Cost in India

Best IVF Cost in India

IVF cost in India is inexpensive compared to many well-developed and even developing countries. Besides, India’s quality of medical facilities and IVF treatment services are comparable to international standards. India is one of the best IVF service providers in the world in terms of affordability, accessibility, and quality of services. There are several affordable IVF centres in India, and the IVF cost ranges below and above 1.5 to 3.5 lakh.

IVF Cost in India

Infertility is a burgeoning affliction around all corners of the world. Reportedly, 12-15% of couples cannot conceive even after one year of unprotected sex, i.e., approx. 48-49 million couples globally suffer from infertility. And about 186 million individuals have some form of the reproductive disorder leading to infertility issues.

Fortunately, infertility is treatable. Advancement in medicine, especially reproductive medicine, has facilitated infertility treatment and made it feasible for infertile couples or individuals to conceive with some assistance. IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is one of many and the most successful assisted reproductive techniques for infertility.

Why IVF, and who needs IVF treatment?

IVF is easily the most sought-after treatment for infertility. It is also one of the most complicated assisted reproductive techniques. It requires state-of-the-art medical and assisted reproductive technologies and highly trained and experienced medical professionals, from fertility experts to embryologists. In addition, the IVF facilities require an exceptional infrastructural layout.

Consequently, the cost of IVF treatment is rather expensive for many seekers. Still, it is the popular choice for treatment for infertility because the IVF process can encounter a broad spectrum of infertility issues in both men and women. IVF treatment holds the highest success rate for conception and live births among many infertility treatments.

Further, the success rate and IVF cost in India depend on the infertility problem and the type of IVF treatment required.

IVF is required when:

  • Tubal blockage
  • Endometriosis and uterine fibroids
  • Poor ovarian response, ovulation disorder, ovarian insufficiency
  • Insufficient sperm count, motility, and morphology
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Age-related infertility
  • Recurrent miscarriages and IUI failure
  • Donor program
  • Parents have genetic abnormalities

The intricate IVF procedure and the various steps involved allow us to overcome various infertility barriers and diagnose the underlying infertility issues simultaneously. Hence, IVF treatment is considered the best treatment for unknown or unexplained infertility.

IVF treatment in India – Why India is preferred as the best country for IVF treatment

India provides affordable IVF treatment without compromising the quality of services. India has risen in popularity for low-cost IVF treatment and high success rates. It is undoubtedly the most popular and preferred destination for IVF treatment due to the safe and friendly environment for medical tourism.

Thousands of couples or individuals from different parts of the world travel to India to seek treatment for different medical conditions, including infertility. The top destination for IVF in India is the capital – Delhi. Delhi is emerging as a hub for fertility treatment. Several internationally acclaimed IVF specialists and fertility experts reside in the nation’s heart, providing low-cost IVF in Delhi.

Cost of IVF treatment in India

As mentioned earlier, the average cost of IVF in India ranges between 1.5 to 3.5 lakh for basic IVF packages. Some clinics offer lower than the average IVF cost while others offer higher. Even then, there is an abundance of low-cost IVF clinics in India.

Cost of IVF Treatment in India

The facilities available, experience, expertise, success rate, clinic’s location, etc., determine the cost of IVF treatment in India at an IVF centre. Therefore it varies from clinic to clinic.

The IVF cost in India at any IVF clinic includes the following;

  • Consultation fee
  • Follicular monitoring with an ultrasound scan
  • Some diagnostic tests
  • Egg retrieval
  • IVF procedure in the lab
  • Embryo transfer

Medication, bloodwork, and screening are not included in the IVF cost.

Factors Affecting IVF cost in India

IVF costs in India differ from patient to patient depending on the factors like age, cause of infertility, IVF types, donor requirement, etc.

Age of the Intended mother: The age of the intended mother directly influences the quality of eggs, ovarian reserve, and uterine reserve, and therefore it affects the cost of IVF treatment in India. Women over 35 have only a 30-35% chance of success with IVF treatment per cycle. So they might require multiple IVF cycles, significantly increasing the cost of the IVF treatment.

The number of IVF cycles: With many IVF cycles, the IVF treatment cost folds as many times.

Type of IVF: To address the complex and severe infertility problems in both men and women, IVF is integrated with other ART procedures, namely ICSI, PESA/TESA/MESA, blastocyst transfer, FET, laser-assisted hatching, etc., which adds to the IVF cost.

Donor program: Donor gametes have to be sought for couples or individuals who cannot provide their own gametes (sperm and eggs). Donor sperm, eggs, and embryos are available for IVF treatment, but they cost an additional amount than the basic IVF package.

IVF cost at IFC – The best IVF centre in Delhi

IFC is the best IVF centre in Delhi, having multiple branches in India and providing cost-effective IVF treatment for different sections of society. IFC is a leading IVF and fertility clinic chain. The world-renowned fertility and IVF specialist Dr. Rita Bakshi leads IFC. Dr. Rita has been serving as a gynecologist and fertility expert for more than 30 years. And under her leadership, we have successfully conducted 10,000+ IVF cycles.

IFC has attained a high caliber of clinical excellence over a short period of 10 years. We have a team of highly experienced fertility experts, embryologists, urologists, nurses, and other staff members, who ensure quality control and personal care of the treatment of the patients. Our approach to treatment services is highly ethical, transparent, and empathetic toward our patients. That’s why our IVF packages are individually designed to meet the patient’s medical fertility needs at affordable prices and high success rates.

Process of IVF Treatment in India

The in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment process typically involves several steps, including:

1. Ovarian Stimulation: First, the ovaries must be stimulated into producing many eggs so that they can be fertilised. This is achieved using hormonal medications like follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

2. Egg Retrieval: Transvaginal ultrasound-guided egg retrieval is a small surgical operation used to collect eggs from the ovaries once they have reached maturity.

3. Sperm Collection: On the day of the egg retrieval, the male partner contributes a sample of his semen.

4. Fertilization: The retrieved eggs are then fertilized with the sperm in the laboratory using one of three methods: conventional IVF, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), or intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI).

5. Embryo Culture: The fertilized eggs are cultured in a laboratory for several days to allow them to develop into embryos.

6. Embryo Transfer: With the help of a tiny catheter, the embryos are reintroduced into the uterus via the cervix. When trying to prevent multiple pregnancies, doctors usually restrict the number of embryos transferred.

7. Luteal Phase Support: After the embryo transfer, hormonal medications are given to support the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and increase the chances of successful implantation.

8. Pregnancy Test: The success of the procedure is measured by a positive pregnancy test around two weeks following embryo transplantation.

The Techniques of the IVF Treatment:

In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments can employ different techniques depending on the patient’s medical history and needs. A few of the most typical methods are as follows:

Natural IVF: IVF treatments that mimic nature can artificially gather and grow several eggs and embryos to boost your chances of becoming pregnant. Unlike other methods that employ medicines to simulate pregnancy, this one truly aids your body in picking out the most fertile egg, thus it’s deemed natural. IVF without using human eggs is preferable since it is more economical and can be repeated as many as is necessary.

Women with poor ovarian reserve or who are having difficulty conceiving may benefit from this strategy. This therapy is also helpful for young ladies experiencing tubal problems. In contrast, only one embryo is transferred during a typical IVF cycle. In India, the typical cost of IVF varies patients to patients.

● Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET): The process of implanting a frozen embryo or embryos into a woman’s uterus is known as frozen embryo transfer (FET). Women who wait until their late 30s or early 40s to start a family can consider FET as an option. However a woman’s chance of getting pregnant changes with her actual age. The success rate of embryo transfer decreases with age, from 60% to 20% for women under the age of 35, and from 40% to 20% for women over the age of 40.

Transfers of frozen embryos need a two-week waiting period for their recipients. In this case, the processed findings may not be accurate. In India, the cost of an IVF process depends on various factors including doctors fees, clinic infrastructures and location of the centres.

● Single Embryo Transfer (eSET): A woman can implant an embryo from a collection into her fallopian tube to start a family. While it is true that IVF with ESET increases a woman’s chances of producing a healthy baby, multiple embryo transplantation may be necessary for some women. In addition, eSET is associated with a lower risk of adverse outcomes such premature birth, hypertension, and low birth weight.

Nevertheless, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can be avoided with preventative measures (OHSS). If there are any further successful embryos created in the lab, they are vitrified for long-term storage.

● Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): With this type of in vitro fertilisation, a single sperm is placed into the egg’s cytoplasm. The condition of severe male infertility is the primary target of treatment. In addition, this medicine is commonly administered to men with low sperm counts or abnormally shaped sperm because of its potential to avoid the acrosome response.

The cost of IVF procedures in India, varies patient to patients, depending on the technique and clinic.

Who can benefit from IVF as a therapeutic option?

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a process that should only be pursued after consulting with a fertility specialist who can assess the patient’s health and fertility to see if it is a viable option.

Couples Who Are Unable to Have Children

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a reproductive therapy option pursued by many couples after repeated attempts at natural conception have failed. IVF is also an option for couples who have been told they are unable to conceive children because of factors including low sperm count, damaged fallopian tubes, or ovulation difficulties.

Infertile Women Over 35

Fertility decreases with age, making it more challenging for older women to conceive. IVF treatment can help women who are experiencing infertility due to advancing age because it involves artificially fertilising the eggs and implanting the resulting embryos in the uterus.

People Affected by Hereditary Disorders

Those who have genetic diseases that could be passed on to their offspring also have the option of undergoing IVF treatment. Because of advances in IVF technology, pre-implantation genetic diagnostic (PGD) may now be performed on embryos to detect genetic defects before they are implanted.

Infertile Couples Who Have Tried Other Methods

After numerous unsuccessful attempts at conceiving, some couples may look to IVF as a last resort. For many couples, IVF is a last choice after exhausting all other options.

How Much Does (In Vitro Fertilization) IVF Treatment Cost in India?

IVF Treatment Cost in India

1. Type of IVF treatment: The total cost of IVF in India can change significantly from one method to another. For example, if the patient chooses a standard IVF procedure, the cost will be lower than if they choose a more advanced procedure like ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection).

2. Age of the patient: The patient’s age may also have a role in the overall cost of IVF. Older patients may require additional testing and treatment, increasing the overall cost.

3. The number of cycles: The cost of IVF treatment can also depend on the number of cycles required. Patients who require multiple cycles of IVF treatment may have to pay more.

4. Medications: The cost of the medication required for IVF can vary depending on the dosage, brand, and duration of treatment.

5. Diagnostic Tests: The cost of diagnostic tests like blood tests, ultrasound, and semen analysis can also impact the overall cost of IVF.

6. Medical history: Patients with a history of certain medical conditions, such as endometriosis, may require additional testing and treatment, increasing IVF treatment cost in India.

7. Choice of the clinic: The choice of the clinic can also affect the cost of IVF treatment. Some clinics charge more for their services, while others offer more affordable options.

8. Location: The clinic’s location can also affect the cost of IVF treatment. Clinics in major cities may charge more for their services than those in smaller towns

Patients should do their homework because the IVF treatment cost in India can change depending on a variety of factors. If a patient takes the time to do their homework, they can find a competent doctor at a reasonable cost.

The IFC (International Fertility Centre) staff is aware that patients would be concerned about the expense of their IVF treatment. As a result, we’ve ensured that no one, whatever of their means, will be unable to access the fertility treatments they need.

We recommend that anyone considering in vitro fertilisation take the time to identify the most qualified clinic and doctor. IFC is dedicated to providing patients with the best in in vitro fertilisation care and success rates at the lowest possible cost.


Why is IVF so expensive?

IVF is the most effective assisted reproductive technique for infertility treatment. The procedure for IVF treatment includes multiple complex steps which require medical assistance through medication and the latest ART techniques. Therefore, owing to its complexity, set-up, and expertise required, IVF has become an expensive treatment. Moreover, the cost of IVF deviates from patient to patient, depending on the type of IVF treatment. IVF procedures may also include ICSI, PESA/TESA, PGS or PGD, blastocyst transfer, assisted hatching, etc., significantly increasing the treatment cost.

Further, medical insurance does not cover IVF or any fertility treatment, for that matter, so patients have to pay on their own. Some patients can’t even afford this treatment, but fortunately, some IVF clinics in India offer no-cost EMI IVF packages, which greatly help patients.

How is India affordable for IVF treatment?

Indian fertility and IVF centres rely on accurate diagnosis and treatment plans to provide patients with effective treatment options. India has several experienced and skillful IVF specialists and cheaper medications and medical fees compared to many countries. For this reason, it is affordable for any fertility treatment, including IVF.

How does IFC make affordable IVF treatment plans?

As an experienced fertility centre, IFC has recognized the various clues that help diagnose and treat infertility. We do not recommend unnecessary and expensive tests. Instead, we make a precise diagnosis and try our best to understand the issues arising in the way of conception. With that, we construct effective treatment programs specific to patients. We thoroughly explain everything to our patients with proper counseling and listen to their doubts.

Our fertility experts always provide patients with second opinions and cheaper treatment options. We also prescribe affordable medication.

How many IVF cycles are included in IVF costs in India?

The cost of IVF treatment only includes the charges of one IVF cycle. If your first IVF cycle fails, you’ll have to pay just the same, if not more, than the last IVF cycle. Most likely, your next cycle may include some more ART procedures to boost the chances of success which will cost more than the previous cycle. At IFC, we recommend that our patients freeze extra embryos for future use. Freezing your embryos saves a lot of cost for the next IVF cycle.

Can I get a loan for IVF treatment?

Some banks may offer loans for fertility treatments. However, as of current, there are not many insurances that cover fertility treatments, such as IVF, and neither there exist many banks that offer loans for such needs. We will suggest you research more about this and consult a financial advisor.

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