Are Having Cramps During Pregnancy Normal?

Cramps in first trimester of Pregnancy:
Pregnant women during their pregnancy days should watch out for mild to severe cramping. It may be indicative of a pregnancy complication or simply, uterine contractions. Now you must be thinking why cramping occurs? Here are few reasons behind cramping and early and late pregnancy phase.
Cramps in first trimester of Pregnancy:
1. Cramping due to implantation
Implantation occurs around 10 days post your ovulation date. Usually women don’t experience cramping after implantation but some women report of cramping that disappears in a few days.
2. Contractions in uterus
Once implantation or conception occurs, your body may interfere with your hormonal balance as it prepares for pregnancy. Also, your uterus and its ligaments begin to expand, which can be a possible reason behind cramps.
3. Miscarriage
If you experience spotting along with cramps in the early weeks of pregnancy, it indicates miscarriage. In this case, you should immediately visit and get an ultrasound done to check whether the pregnancy is intact or not. If you have a history of repeated miscarriages, you can consult your doctor to examine your pregnancy status.
4. Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy occurs where the fetus develops outside the uterus, usually in your fallopian tubes. As the fetus grows, you may feel severe abdominal pain or cramps. If you observe spotting coupled with bleeding and cramps, ectopic pregnancy may have occurred. In this case, talk to the best gynecologist and get yourself evaluated and treated further as required.
5. Gastric issues
Cramps do not necessarily pose a risk to your pregnant. It can be simply due to indigestion, stomach aches or constipation, which is common in pregnant mothers. Visit your doctor for further examination. If the reason behind cramping is poor indigestion, she will prescribe you medications to improve digestion and thereby, prevent cramps.
Cramps in final trimester of Pregnancy:
1. Round ligament pain
Ligament pain occurs usually in the second or third trimester as your belly and uterus increases in size. With the continuous stretching of ligaments to support the growing uterus may cause cramps.
2. Preterm labor
You have entered your final trimester and your due date is more than a month away. Your uterus is bigger now and your belly has turned huge since your baby is growing. This is when preterm labor may occur. In this condition, you may have frequent uterine contractions and dilation of the cervix with increased pressure in the pelvic area. Also, back ache, mild bleeding and cramps happen during preterm labor.
4. Labor
As your due date comes closer, you may have severe back pain. During early labor, little mucus discharge along with mild bleeding, cramping and back pain is observed.
Closing Thoughts
Cramps during pregnancy are hard to differentiate from an indication of danger. Hence, it is always best to visit the best gynecologist clinic and get complete antenatal testing done to ensure everything is fine. Antenatal care includes basic ultrasounds and blood tests, vital for every would-be mother as it helps in early detection and management of unwanted complications in pregnancy. Its main goal is to ensure mother and growing baby’s wellbeing for a healthy pregnancy.
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