How can ICSI help Childless Couples with Failed IVF?

Can ICSI help Childless Couples with Failed IVF?
There are millions of couples in this world who are waiting to be called parents. For many, their dreams shatter because of the several attempts to get pregnant. Individuals have their own reason for the unsuccessful conception. With the help of advanced science and technology, most of the couples can achieve parenthood through IVF, but many couples still face failure in IVF. With natural and other assisted methods of reproduction such as IVF, not being able to fulfill the dream of parenthood, , naturally the question that comes to mind is what to do now? Is this the end of the dream to conceive?
The answer is ‘NO’! For those with failure through IVF, advancements in cutting-edge technology has brought a clear hope called ICSI.
What is ICSI? How does it Work?
ICSI stands for Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection and is a very successful Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) to cure infertility. In ICSI an experienced embryologist picks up a single sperm cell and injects it into the cytoplasm of a full-grown egg under a controlled environment in a laboratory. This process increases the chances of the fertilization.
How ICSI Helps In IVF?
Basically, ICSI is an enhanced form of in vitro fertilization(IVF) and it is performed to increase the chances of fertilization. Many other factors affect the success rate of pregnancy through IVF, like age of female, embryo incompetence, implantation dysfunction, and her own fertility issues. But there’s nothing like this to worry about in ICSI because it ensures the fertilization of egg and sperm, and hence increases the chances of the assisted reproductive procedure to be more successful.
The modern way of living i.e. high mental pressure, polluted air, presence of unknown and known chemicals in the vegetables, fruits, meat, seafood and water, high intake of preservatives through preserved food and readymade eatables, drugs, radio waves, mobile towers and GMO food (Genetically Modified Organisms) and several other factors still unknown to the science causes infertility. The male fertility is affected more by these factors and the ratio is higher than female fertility. Infertility in males is really complex too in comparison to female infertility. So ICSI is the best method to achieve the fertilization of the eggs and sperm if the male partner’s sperm count is the hindrance for the couples to have a baby.
Who Should Go For ICSI Treatment?
- Couples with the failed IVF
- Low sperm count
- Poor morphology of the semen (abnormal shape)
- The immotile sperm (not moving well)
- In case of vasectomy when the male can’t ejaculate and the sperm is gathered surgically from the epididymis or testes.
ICSI at International Fertility Centre (IFC).
We have 58% success rate in IVF at International Fertility Center (IFC), but 60% success rate in ICSI. Moreover, The experts always suggest ICSI to the people who have failed IVF or other unexplained reasons of conceiving.
Why Should You Come to Dr Rita Bakshi’s International Fertility Centre for infertility issues?
IFC has 60% success rate in ICSI as compared to the 45% success rate across the world. Because of the higher and better success rates in ICSI, it is preferred in every IVF procedure in IFC without any additional cost. There are higher charges or additional costs for ICSI in other fertility centres.
Each patient is taken into full care right from counseling to the birth of the infant. If you had problems with fertilization or failed IVF procedures before or have questions related to ICSI and IVF please fill the form below to schedule a fertility consultation with us.