IVF was a blessing for us

IVF was a blessing for us

One of our happy parents Smita and Aman Dubey recently got blessed with a baby boy after five years of efforts to have a baby naturally. As Smita was 32 years old, she was worried about egg quality and effect of previous missed abortion on her future pregnancy. She also had repeated UTIs (urinary tract infections). After having severe UTI and natural missed abortion before, she visited our clinic in November 2015.She was very depressed and our clinic International Fertility Centre, a leading IVF clinic in India, was her last hope.

On her visit, she consulted Dr Rita Bakshi and discussed her complete medical history. On the basis of her medical history, she was suggested to go for stimulated IVF. Two weeks later, her IVF cycle was done. She was given injections to stimulate her ovaries and simultaneous follicular monitoring was done to examine the growth of follicles. The best quality Day 5 blastocysts were transferred for assured pregnancy.

She was kept under regular observation for few months so that she could overcome the emotional trauma post abortion and recover from the UTI permanently. She was also diagnosed with a solitary fibroid, which we removed through laparoscopic procedure. She was also offered continuous emotional support and counseling to keep her motivated, confident and positive. This directly helped her to stay positive and this got reflected in her positive pregnancy test result.She was examined one month after through an ultrasound scan to confirm fetal’s cardiac activity.

As her case demanded close observation, she was carefully monitored till delivery and now she is a proud mother of a healthy baby boy. The feelings of Aman and Smita after holding their newborn in their hands cannot be described in words. They are completely overwhelmed by the innocence and beauty of their child.

We at IFC wish Aman, Smita and their child with a joyful life ahead. We also encourage every couple with infertility to open up about their inability to conceive, talk to their loved ones, seek proper treatment, follow the prerequisites of treatment sincerely, maintain regular follow-ups with their doctor and most importantly, stay positive and never lose hope.

Get world class Infertility Treatment at the most affordable prices with high Success Rates. Consult Us now by submitting your queries in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected]