Know The Right Timing of Ovulation

Know The Right Timing of Ovulation

The release of eggs from the ovaries is called as Ovulation. In medical terminology, it can be defined as when a mature egg is released from the ovary, moves down the fallopian tube, and is available in the fallopian tube to be fertilised.

You are probably looking out for ovulation when you are trying to get pregnant in order to know what day you will ovulate. The date for your intercourse is set after you have identified it, resulting in a successful pregnancy.

Know your fertility window

Getting pregnant is all about timing. Couples are often confused about the question, when is the best time to conceive a baby? The most effective time to have intercourse for becoming pregnant is the “fertile window.” Your fertile window lasts for 6 days each month – 5 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. These are the days when your body releases an egg that meets with sperm to occur fertilization.

A woman with a 28-day menstrual cycle is likely to ovulate around the middle of cycle. Ovulation typically happens on day 14, and the most fertile days are days 12, 13, and 14. However, not every woman’s cycle is 28 days. So every women need to adjust the calculations, the important thing to remember is that the egg is produced about 14 days before the next period starts.

Signs of Ovulation

The start of ovulation can be detected by signs. The signs of ovulation vary from women to women. Here are some of the signs that will let you know any signs of ovulation.

Changes in Cervical Position

As ovulation approaches, the cervix goes through many changes. A woman may experience several changes; her cervix will move higher up and become softer, open and wet. For some women it may take some time to study her body going through the changes during ovulation. Detecting cervical changes takes some practice which requires very clean hands and a reliable predictor of ovulation.

Changes in Cervical Mucus

As ovulation approaches, your cervical mucus changes in amount and consistency. You can predict your most fertile days by paying attention to the change. Look for mucus that feels thin, slippery and stretchy, raw-egg-white-like consistency, and stretches up to an inch or more between your fingers.

Change in Basal body temperature

Body basal temperature (BBT) is considered the most popular method of tracking ovulation. It is the temperature of your body in a resting state. Is it hot in here or is it just you? Your basal, or lowest, body temperature typically rises a few tenths of a degree during ovulation.

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