Watch out for Abruptio Placantae in Pregnancy
![Watch out for Abruptio Placantae in Pregnancy 1 Watch out for Abruptio Placantae in Pregnancy](
In a normal pregnancy, the placenta separates from the female’s uterus around the expected delivery process. In a pregnancy, where Abruptio Placantae occurs, women experience in the third trimester. However, if the woman is hypertensive, she may have placental abruption in the second trimester itself. They are likely to observe painful vaginal bleeding, sudden uterine contractions and fetal distress.
Indications of Abruptio Placantae
- Abdominal pain
- Uterine tenderness
- Sudden and quick contractions of the uterus
- Vaginal bleeding
- Abnormal fetal heart rate
If you observe vaginal bleeding anytime around your third trimester, you should follow up with your gyne specialist for immediately evaluation and management.
Risk Factors of Abruptio Placenta
Women are at a higher risk of Abruptio Placentae in the following conditions:
- Smoking and alcohol use
- Beyond 35 years of age
- Diagnosed with preeclampsia or hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Gestational Diabetes
- Anti-phospholipids Syndrome
- History of previous placental abruption
- Injury/trauma to the abdomen
- Premature membrane rupture
- Polyhydramnious
Clinical management of Abruptio Placantae
The clinical management for a woman with Abruptio Placantae depends upon the below factors:
- Gestational stage
- Severity of the complications
- The viability of the baby
- With the live baby, without complications and in the third trimester of pregnancy, an immediate cesarean section will be done.
- With a dead baby, without complications, induction of labor may be followed.
- With a dead baby, with complications, immediate delivery of the baby, usually by Hysterotomy will be done. This is a quicker method of extracting the baby to protect the mother from further complications.
Closing Thoughts
Abruptio Placentae is a high-risk obstetric issue, which should be dealt with care and treatment differs from patient to patient. Our aim is minimal blood less and safety of the mother and the baby. If you have any pregnancy issues causing you discomfort, you need to consult your obs & gyne expert for timely diagnosis and treatment.
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