Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Solution for Genetic Diseases

Every couple wants to complete their family, but there are some natural barriers that create obstacles while conceiving a baby. When we plan a baby, and after several failures, when we decide to visit the doctor for help, and doctor after medical analyses tell us a sour truth “Infertility”. Also, she suggests the best possible way by which she can help the couple. There are several kinds of infertility- some can be explained and some can’t be explained. When doctors can’t able to find assisted reproductive techniques for their patients to conceive naturally, they suggest them some innovative and highly developed techniques to conceive. These techniques are known IVF and Surrogacy.
In surrogacy and IVF, egg and sperm can be taken from the couple and sometimes we need to search a donor for either egg or sperm or for both. Then, the only issue now doctors have to verify if there is any genetical disorder in any of the partner either male or female or both. When egg and sperm of the couple are as per embryo implantation requirement, then doctors concentrate on genetical disorder because if there is any genetical defect is present in the couple then it is highly possible that the genetical disorder can be transferred to their future baby.
There are several kinds of disorders that are faced by both males and females. Some genetical defects are common and some are specific. Some common genetical malfunctions that are faced by males and females both are Thalassemia, chromosomal anomalities, DMD, and sickle cell anemia that are transferred from generation to generation. Some males have the problem of Huntington disease, cystic fibrosis and so many other problemscan affect their babies since birth. Some females also, face various kinds of genetical issues like down syndrome, patau syndrome and many other syndromes are found in females only.
International Fertility Centre ensures that none of our patients face any genetical disorder issue after having a baby. We try to give a healthy baby that always stays healthy, that is why we perform all medical tests before starting the procedure of IVF. If any genetical disorder is found the defect is removed through PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) or PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening). Let’s discuss PGD and its benefits during IVF and how it helps you to keep your baby safe from genetical disorders. It is very necessary to know what PGD is and how it performed and its benefit for IVF patients.
What is PGD
PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) is a technique that is generally utilized during the procedure of in Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to identify various genetic defects or malfunction within the Embryo. This technique basically provides prevention of several genetical disorders that can be transmitted to the child by his parents since birth. The embryos utilized in PGD are produced during the procedure of IVF. This process enables to maximize the chances of having a healthy baby by not transferring a genetically unhealthy embryo.
International Fertility Centre is performing PGD for all its IVF patients to assure that the baby will not face any acute or chronic defect from birth to adulthood.
How PGD is executed in International Fertility Centre
The process of PGD has usually comprised egg repossession and fertilization in the laboratory when we start IVF. In excess of the time of three to five days, the embryos will be divided into numerous cells. And our team of expert embryologists also ensures that the cells within the embryos divide properly.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis engrosses the subsequent steps
In the first step, couple’s cells are microsurgically detached from the embryos that are about 5 days expanded. After this cell compilation, the embryos are carefully frozen. The cell’s DNA is then appraised to verify if the endowment of a complicated gene is there in each embryo. This procedure acquires at least one full week. When PGD has recognized embryos unimpeded of genetic issues, the embryo(s) will be inserted into the uterus generally during an IVF process, and the process of implantation and an affirmative pregnancy assessment starts. If there are any extra embryos, which are clear of genetic issues are kept frozen for feasible afterward utilization while embryos with the problematical genes are destroyed. This testing process may take weeks.
Obtaining from the egg retrieval procedures to the finishing results of PGD can take quite a few weeks. If you think in this regard, this procedure comprises the selection, fertilization, then 3-5 days of growth, 1-2 weeks of testing, and then you prepare yourself for an appointment to talk about your results with your doctor. It is essential to retain this in mind if you plan to follow IVF with PGD so that you realize what to expect. Also, this process of PGD ensures that the embryos are genetically healthy.
Who should be benefitted by PGD?
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) can improve the chances for those couples who are having the possibility of transmission of a genetic disease or state. This procedure is basically for IVF patients, but the couples who are having an IVF treatment undergo this test as it is very useful for those who are suffering from any acute or chronic genetic disorder.
The process of PGD is performed in all these conditions
- Women with more than one unsuccessful fertility cure
- Occurrence of recurrent pregnancy loss in Women
- Women of age 35 and over
- Couples with chromosomal disorders
- Carriers of single gene disorders
- Carriers of sex-linked genetic disorders
PGD test is very reliable and effective to ensure the quality and development of the embryo. This process is performed on all the patients of IVF to assure the couple that the baby will bear no genetical defect or will not face any kind of acute or chronic disorder since birth to adulthood.
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