Treatments helping Infertile Males to Achieve Fatherhood

Treatments helping Infertile Males to Achieve Fatherhood

Every man dreams of playing soccer with his child, teaching his kid all kinds of tricks but when even after trying for over a year the results are unfavorable, the dream starts slipping away. The main responsible organ for sperm and testosterone production are the testicles. Sometimes the causes of infertility in males are unknown or unexplained; if this happened to you then you are […]

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LIT Therapy: Right Time to Choose Right Option to get Pregnant Naturally

LIT Therapy: Right Time to Choose Right Option to get Pregnant Naturally

Becoming parents is like a dream! It also changes your lives forever… After a few years of marriage, all couples feel the need to complete their relationship by becoming parents. Sometimes situation and health are favorable for us to become parents, but many times when the couple is unable to conceive and the reason is unexplainable. What is LIT Therapy? Most couples plan to conceive […]

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How to Procure Vaginal Thrush?

How to Procure Vaginal Thrush?

Vaginal Thrush also called as a yeast infection is a common bacteria found in males and females. Vaginal thrush is caused by the overgrowth of Candida albicans yeast. This yeast lives normally in the gut and in the vagina. It is found that it is innocuous, however, side effect can be created if the yeast numbers rise. Different names for this disease are candidiasis or […]

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Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Solution for Genetic Diseases

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Solution for Genetic Diseases

Every couple wants to complete their family, but there are some natural barriers that create obstacles while conceiving a baby. When we plan a baby, and after several failures, when we decide to visit the doctor for help, and doctor after medical analyses tell us a sour truth “Infertility”. Also, she suggests the best possible way by which she can help the couple. There are […]

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IVF (In vitro fertilization) as a Last Resort Weapon to Attain Parenthood

IVF (In vitro fertilization) as a Last Resort Weapon to Attain Parenthood

IVF as a sure shot method to Become Pregnant The pain of infertility can be understood by only those couples who have been repeatedly failed to conceive in spite of years of trying. The 3 letter word IVF is a broad term which allows the couples to attain happiness of becoming parents through assisted reproduction technique. This treatment has provided a new boon to the […]

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How is Follicular Monitoring Necessary for Successful IVF Treatment?

How is Follicular Monitoring Necessary for Successful IVF Treatment?

In-vitro Fertilization Treatment is the highly effective infertility treatment in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology. IVF treatment is the painless and less time consuming procedure therefore, it is generally preferred by most of the infertile couples if either of the partner is notified with severe infertility issues. There are multiple of steps involved in IVF procedure which require great expertise care and are necessary […]

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IVF with Donor Eggs: Best solution for Premature Ovarian Failure

IVF with Donor Eggs: Best solution for Premature Ovarian Failure

Women generally reach their menopause after 50 years of age. Nowadays, due to the harmful habits incorporated in daily lifestyle such as consumption of alcohol, smoking, stress, lack of sleep, etc., women are more prone to attaining menopause at a very early age, which is between 30-40 years of age. Such occurrences of early menopause are termed as premature ovarian failure. Understanding Premature Ovarian Failure […]

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How to prevent Rubella in pregnancy?

How to prevent Rubella in pregnancy?

Patients experience flu-like symptoms caused by a virus called rubella. It can affect people of any age group. The symptoms are similar to any febrile illness so it is usually ignored thinking it to be a flu or a minor cold and cough. However, if a pregnant woman is affected by rubella, there are high chances of pregnancy loss or abortion. Most of the times […]

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Smoking, Poor Diet and Stress makes 15% of Men Infertile in Delhi

Smoking, Poor Diet and Stress makes 15% of Men Infertile in Delhi

Sedentary living has affected both men and women significantly, especially in Delhi. The addiction of smoking, more inclination towards eating junk food and increased stress levels creates a haywire in body’s hormonal balance. This directly impacts a man’s or women’s fertility potential. When we talk about male infertility in India, factors like smoking cigarettes, eating fast foods often, drinking a lot a of alcohol, poor […]

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Assisted Hatching

  Assisted Hatching is a reproductive medicine maneuver to bring rupture or split in egg wall. The technique is administered in higher reproductive age females, above 35-37 years age or higher. The additional medical condition where assisted hatching procedure brings better embryo creation includes: Females with higher FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone levels, leading to thicker zona pellucida layer in oocyte. Repeated IVF cycle run failures. […]

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