Suffering from PCOS? Achieve Parenthood with International Fertility Centre

Suffering from PCOS? Achieve Parenthood with International Fertility Centre

Anvita, a 36 year old lady working in a multinational company, was trying to conceive for a long time. The couple did not succeed even after having unprotected intercourse for over two years. This problem is occuring with a lot of couple these days. It may be a sign of infertility but only a fertility expert can suggest the real cause and treatment options.

Anvita is a modern day woman and through some research, she found it better to consult with a fertility specialist rather than further trying for natural conception. This is what made her visit International Fertility Centre.

Her medical histories made our expert think that she is a clear case of PCOS. A few medical tests were conducted and the reports confirmed the same. Now, the very first task was to console her. In such cases, many women think that they will never conceive, without understanding the fact that modern medicine has made enough advancement to help in such cases.

We planned an IUI for Anvita and put her on medication for successful ovulation. After the first IUI, another two IUI cycles were done which failed because of poor quality eggs. Since PCOS is related to ovulation issues, sometimes the quality of eggs formed even after medication doesn’t meet the desired standard. Unfortunately, the same thing happened in her case, which made us plan an IVF cycle.

We were pretty sure that with an IVF cycle we would be able to give a positive result. Egg and sperm retrieval for the couple was planned accordingly. We preferred ICSI to the traditional IVF to ensure a successful fertilization process. A healthy embryo created through this process was implanted into Anvita’s womb.

The IVF cycle proved successful for Anvita and 10 months later, the couple are parents to a healthy child. This is what we do exceptionally well at International Fertility Centre; we make your parenting dreams a reality.