Understanding Surrogacy Jargon

Understanding Surrogacy Jargon

Surrogacy jargon represents acronyms on different terms, participants and technology process or innovation in surrogacy. The common surrogacy jargon is listed here under for your referral. The abbreviations are listed to assist on developing better understanding of the surrogacy process. These terms finds wider use & acceptance in online pregnancy forums, chat rooms and support groups on surrogacy discussion:

ART: Assisted Reproductive Technology

Assisted reproductive technology represents set of medical protocols to fuse egg and sperm cells outside body environment to result in fertile embryo.

AH: Assisted Hatching

Assisted hatching is embryological procedure to create better implantation of embryo in uterine environment. The procedure removes attachment, from zona pellucida–the outer layer of embryo, through micro-injection in blastocyte embryo. The technique creates hole utilizing hallow needle in embryo, held with micro-pipette.

BETA: Blood test for Pregnancy

The beta hCG test is a specific blood examination to check presence of human chronic gonadotropin hormone, in blood stream of pregnant female.

ED: Egg donor/donation

The egg donor is a healthy female in age group 21-30 years, screened on medical criteria and disease condition, to donate egg or mature oocyte to utilization in infertility treatment.

ET: Embryo Transfer

Embryo transfer refers to embryo implant inside the uterus in different Assisted Reproductive Technology methods to bring successful pregnancy.

FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer

The frozen embryo technology refers to use of embryo created and stored in previous attempt in fertility treatment. The frozen embryo is retrieved and undergoes thawing to realize fertilization potential before implant in carrier womb.

FSH: Follicle stimulating hormone

FSH is a female reproductive hormone, secreted by pituitary gland that regulates reproductive health conditions, to bring pubertal maturation and reproductive health.

GC: Gestational surrogate

Gestational surrogate is a healthy female, screened on medical condition and reproductive health background. The gestational surrogate is required to be in age-group 21-35 years, and have background check on financial and social stature.

HCG, HCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a first line indicator of success on conception. A positive blood report indicating the presence of HCG is reliable indicator on pregnancy.

HSG: Hysterosalpingogram

HSG is a representation for Hysterosalpingogram that provides X-ray test to examine fallopian tubes and vicinity using a dye to check injury or abnormal structure of the uterus or fallopian tubes. The blockage in fallopian tube can impede or stop sperm movement inside fallopian tubes preventing fusion with oocyte cell.

IVF: In Vitro Fertilization

In Vitro Fertilization refers to generation of fertilize embryo in outside body condition through fusion of gametes cells in lab dish containing culture media, with micro manipulation using micro pipette.

ICSI: Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a technique in assisted reproductive technology to create fusion of isolated oocyte with sperm cell on incubation medium. The embryo is incubated in lab incubator before implant in uterine wall.

IP: Intended Parent/Parents

The intended parents refers to the infertile couple registering in infertility treatment to create surrogacy baby in infertility treatment. The intended couple is required to wait for two year duration, with natural attempts, before registration on fertility treatment to create surrogacy babies.

LMP: Last Menstrual Period

Last menstrual period is a term used in defining pregnancy start day or pregnancy success date from the first day of last instance of menses. The conception success is recorded as an event happening after 2 weeks of the last menstrual cycle.

Triple Stripe

Triple stripe represents an ultrasound description of endometrium lining. Endometrium growth is responsive to estrogen-levels in blood stream. Endometrium lining greater than 9 mm, is optimal consideration to achieve better implantation success. Thickness of endometrium lining is linked in studies to problems in follicle growth and ovulation. A five-fold increase in endometrium success is common assumption at presence of triple stripe condition in ultrasound imaging.

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