Which IVF is Right For Me?

Which IVF is Right For Me?

Couples who are planning for doing IVF are mostly aware of conventional method of IVF but do not realize there are other IVF treatment options out there for them. At International Fertility Centre, we are here to guide you which IVF treatment is right for you, Natural Cycle IVF or Minimal Stimulation IVF is right for you.

Couples when looking for an IVF clinic face an uphill task while heading for the treatment as the cause of their infertility, such as diminished ovarian reserve, high FSH, or PCOS, prevents them from being candidates for Conventional IVF. With innovative methods Natural Cycle and Minimal Stimulation IVF treatment methods, we have been able to treat a broader patient base and provide hope for many. Even couples who have had failed multiple attempts with conventional IVF somewhere else come to us.

When patients come down to our clinic, all patients need to ask themselves a few basic questions:

  • Which IVF treatment method is best for me?
  • What are the benefits of this treatment?
  • What are the disadvantages of this treatment?
  • What is the cost of treatment?

Stimulated IVF Vs Natural Cycle IVF

As the name implies, natural cycle IVF uses no drugs to facilitate egg production. Patients are monitored in a natural cycle with ultrasounds and blood work to track the growth of the dominant follicle. An egg retrieval is then performed when the dominant follicle is determined to be an appropriate size. The egg that is retrieved is then fertilized in the laboratory in the same way as traditional IVF. If an embryo is produced and continues to develop, it is transferred back to the uterus, again in the same manner as conventional IVF.

On the other hand, stimulated IVF uses drugs to shut the menstrual cycle down (‘down-regulation’) before re-starting it again, and uses high doses of stimulating drugs to grow lots of follicles. Natural IVF however does not shut the cycle down but works within it, and the process is focused on collecting the one follicle naturally selected by the body.

Pregnancy and live birth rates for conventional IVF cycles are dramatically higher than natural cycle IVF. In fact, one may have to undergo three to four natural cycles in order to achieve a successful pregnancy-compared to one stimulated IVF cycle, in most cases.

Get world class Infertility Treatment at the most affordable prices with high Success Rates. Consult Us now by submitting your queries in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected]