Tips to eliminate Constipation During Pregnancy

In the later stage of pregnancy, as the baby grows heavier and changes its position, many women develop constipation. It is very discomforting situation for a mother-to- be. Constipation causes backache and increases lethargy.
Women can overcome such problems by bringing certain changes in her dietary habits, and also by incorporating some cleansing yogic practices.
Dietary changes:
Include roughage in your daily diet. Roughage is a fiber or bulk. It is a compound which is indigestible. Our body generally doesn’t absorb these roughages.
We get roughage from:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Grains
- Legumes
Adequate roughage in the diet can do wonders to the pregnant woman’s health.
- It regulates the bowel
- Decrease the risk of diabetes
- Decreases High blood pressure
- Removes chronic constipation
- Reduces risk of developing diverticulitis
Drink plenty of water every day.
Adding a pinch of salt in lukewarm water would help a lot in constipation. Salty water usually doesn’t get absorbs by the body, so it directly goes to intestine and clears the toxins.
Some recommended yogic practices are very effective :
Shankh prachalana: It is a method through which we clean the entire digestive especially bowels.
How to perform shankh prachalan?
You need to drink six glasses of salt water combined with some easy asanas. These asanas are very subtle and put no stain on stomach. And it is entirely safe to be practiced even during the later stage of pregnancy. But try to take assistance of some professionals if you are not acquainted with the yogic practices.
Shankh prachalana is very effective on chronic constipation. It not only creates a feeling of ease but also increase lightness in the body.
Shankh pracharala should be practice once in week after sixth month of pregnancy. Some important steps after Shankh prachalana
During this phase of pregnancy, mother shows tendency of water retention. She can minimize this tendency by drinking large glass of barley water, rice kunji (boiled rice juice) and coconut water. It could be a first meal after the practice of shankh prachalana.
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