Don’t lose hope after Ectopic Pregnancy

Don’t lose hope after Ectopic Pregnancy

Attaining pregnancy is a critical process which takes place in the uterus when ovary releases an egg in the fallopian tube. Egg stays there for about 24 hours, and then gets fertilized when it comes in contact with a sperm. After 3 to 4 days it heads towards the uterus. Where it gets attached to the lining of the uterus wall and starts’ growing until […]

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What is Ectopic Pregnancy and how can it affect your fertility potential?

What is Ectopic Pregnancy and how can it affect your fertility potential?

You may not have heard about Ectopic pregnancy before. But this is a possible disorder in 1 out of every 50 pregnancies. An ectopic pregnancy is evident when the embryo binds itself to a place rather than the uterus. Sometimes, the embryo may reach the ovaries or in the fallopian tubes resulting in embryo development wherever it is present. Generally, the ectopic pregnancies is found […]

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