Infertility and Its Treatment: Overview of Intrauterine Insemination

Infertility and Its Treatment: Overview of Intrauterine Insemination

Introduction The changing lifestyle has brought us various advantages along with disadvantages as well, where becoming parents is among the major problems that have occurred in the recent days. Every second couple is facing this condition due to some hormonal changes and modern lifestyle, which has a direct impact on our reproductive systems. The Medical Advancements The problem can arise from both ends. It can […]

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Surrogacy in India: Benefits and Challenges

Surrogacy in India: Benefits and Challenges

An infertile couple tries numerous fertility treatments and after exhausting all of them, they consider surrogacy as the final treatment choice. Surrogacy involves a third party that is the surrogate mother who helps them to overcome their infertility and to fulfill their dream of having a child. There can be any reason for using a surrogacy as a treatment option such as: Not having a […]

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How are Ovarian Cysts cured by the Laparoscopy?

How are Ovarian Cysts cured by the Laparoscopy?

“Intense desire of being a mother is something, coupled with the inability to fulfill that desire is the life’s most painful combination.” Have you ever gone through the pain of endometriosis or cysts in your ovaries? If yes, then there is a probability of laparoscopy in the future. I am sharing my experience of laparoscopy that is not bad at all. I had severe endometriosis […]

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Laparoscopy: Alternate to Open Surgery for Diagnosing the cause of Infertility

Laparoscopy: Alternate to Open Surgery for Diagnosing the cause of Infertility

Laparoscopy is a specified modern technique for performing gyanelogic surgery like endometrial cancers, ectopic pregnancy etc. Incision made in laparoscopic surgery is about 0.5-1cm which causes small scar and hence patients are often discharged on the same day of surgery. In this process, laparoscope are passed through abdominal organs or female pelvic organs diagnose the problems of fibroids, cysts adhesions or infection. In the initial […]

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How safe IUI for Infertility Treatment?

How safe IUI for Infertility Treatment?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is actually a laboratory procedure, where fast moving sperm is separated and washed. Then this virus‐free sperm is artificially inseminated into the womb. In this process we can use partner’s sperm or donor sperm. Normally IUI is suggested to those couples who have unexpected fertility or have mild-factor infertility. You can go for Intra urinary insemination (IUI) if: If you are finding […]

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How Artificial Insemination Can Treat Infertility?

How Artificial Insemination Can Treat Infertility?

Infertility is growing at an alarming pace in India and all over the world. It is defined when a married couple is unable to conceive a biological child after years of trying. The fertility problems are not always from women’s side, males can be responsible too. One of the options for males to treat their infertility is opting artificial insemination. It is a technique in […]

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7 Things Never Say to Person Struggling With Infertility

7 Things Never Say to Person Struggling With Infertility

When you are struggling with infertility and want to have a baby, people roam around you with advices, suggestions, comments etc. Most of the times the comments are hurtful to the childless couples that lead to depression and further aggravates their problem. Infertility discussions with a person experiencing fertility create more confusion that can harm his happily married life. Below are the things that you […]

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