What is a Uterine Prolapse?

What is a Uterine Prolapse?

Uterine Prolapse: when the pregnant mother’s uterine muscular structure becomes stretchy, weak or are incapable to carry a baby. In rare cases, it may result is slipping of the uterus from its original position towards the vagina or beyond. It may be categorized as complete or incomplete depending upon the position of the uterus at the time of its occurrence. Types of Uterine Prolapse: Incomplete […]

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Most Common Contractions Observed in Pregnancy

Most Common Contractions Observed in Pregnancy

Are you in the final phase of your pregnancy? If yes then your D-Day is not far! Your baby is about to arrive. Delivering a baby if one of the priceless moments of every woman. While you sit back and prepare for the big day, you might have questions popping in your mind about the actual birth and how does it happen. You might have […]

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Is white discharge common during pregnancy?

Is white discharge common during pregnancy?

White discharge can be matter of concern when you are pregnant. Women or expecting women both observe vaginal discharge. However, the quantity and consistency of the vaginal discharge may vary in terms of frequency in women. Usually, women report of white, thick and creamy vaginal discharge. Sometimes, it is clear in appearance and it is not any infectious disease. Such a discharge is normal during […]

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Are Having Cramps During Pregnancy Normal?

Are Having Cramps During Pregnancy Normal?

Cramps in first trimester of Pregnancy: Pregnant women during their pregnancy days should watch out for mild to severe cramping. It may be indicative of a pregnancy complication or simply, uterine contractions. Now you must be thinking why cramping occurs? Here are few reasons behind cramping and early and late pregnancy phase. Cramps in first trimester of Pregnancy: 1. Cramping due to implantation Implantation occurs […]

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How does preeclampsia affect your pregnancy during an IVF treatment?

How does preeclampsia affect your pregnancy during an IVF treatment?

Preeclampsia is a medical condition where there is sudden rise in blood pressure, occurrence of swelling (edena) and albuminuria (excess of protein albumin leaks into the urine). Swelling tends to occur in the face, hand and feet. Swelling tends to occur in the face, hands and feet. It usually begins to develop in the third trimester and is found in 1 out of every 20 […]

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How secondary infertility influences your pregnancy chances?

How secondary infertility influences your pregnancy chances?

What does Secondary Infertility mean? Secondary infertility is a condition where the couple is unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to full term and has a biological baby already. How to know if you have secondary infertility? Infertility is a disorder of the male or female reproductive system usually discovered after a year of unprotected sexual activity. Females account for almost 30% of infertility […]

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Dr. Rita Bakshi in an Interview with India Today

Dr. Rita Bakshi in an Interview with India Today

‘Risks associated with dengue are high during pregnancy’ Dr. Rita Bakshi, senior gynecologist and IVF specialist, head of International Fertility Centre in a latest interview with India Today and other media states ‘risks associated with dengue are high during pregnancy’. The risks associated with dengue may go up if pregnant women and newborn babies contract the disease. The new concern among gynecologists is the rise […]

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How To Become A Mom

How To Become A Mom

If you are having problems conceiving due to infertility there are other options for you to have baby, to achieve motherhood. Here are things that will let you know how to become a mom with your biological child. IVF (in vitro fertilisation) IVF in India is considered one of the best fertility treatments in which the process involves sperms and eggs are fertilized outside the […]

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7 Myths About Trying to Conceive

7 Myths About Trying to Conceive

Couples who are trying and not being able to conceive is one of the greatest challenges they face in their lives. It can lead them into depression if conception myths and common misconception revolve around their minds about conception. Here we try to cut through your confusion about the common myths and realities relating to misconception. 1. Everyday sex makes pregnancy faster Just because you […]

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5 Things You Should Avoid When Pregnant

5 Things You Should Avoid When Pregnant

No one enjoys giving up things they like or having an interest to do. But if you are trying to conceive, there are quite a few things you should NOT do that can complicate or hamper your chances of getting pregnant. Below are the things that help you to improve your pregnancy. Your doctor may have already advised you not to do things during your […]

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