Tuberoclosis (TB) During Pregnancy

Tuberoclosis (TB) During Pregnancy

It is a bacterial infection usually occurs in the lungs. But it also affects other parts like; bones, uterus, kidney, nervous system and the brain. The infection when spread from lungs to other part of the body is known as an active TB. Symptoms of an active TB: Constant cough with phlegm and sometimes bloody. Fever Breathlessness Chest pain Weight loss Weakness and fatigue Nausea […]

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Tips to eliminate Constipation During Pregnancy

Tips to eliminate Constipation During Pregnancy

In the later stage of pregnancy, as the baby grows heavier and changes its position, many women develop constipation. It is very discomforting situation for a mother-to- be. Constipation causes backache and increases lethargy. Women can overcome such problems by bringing certain changes in her dietary habits, and also by incorporating some cleansing yogic practices. Dietary changes: Include roughage in your daily diet. Roughage is […]

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Get Prepared for Pregnancy with Yoga

Get Prepared for Pregnancy with Yoga

Even if you are a beginner in the field of yoga, you can feel a great advantage of yogic practices during pregnancy, as most of the practices are easy to perform and are well within the capacity of pregnant women. Some selected yogic asanas emphasis on strengthening of certain parts of woman’s body which helps in successful pregnancy and safe delivery. Suggested yogic practices to […]

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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Procedure

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Procedure

In Vitro Fertilization or IVF is a widely used technique to treat patients suffering from infertility. Infertility is defined as the inability of an organism to reproduce. There are multiple factors that can be responsible for infertility. It can affect both males and females. In females, factors like improper ovulation, fallopian tube damage or uterine abnormalities to name a few, can be responsible for infertility. […]

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Tips for Dads-to-be in Pregnancy

Tips for Dads-to-be in Pregnancy

You must be excited when your partner would have told you that she is expecting. You must be in a stage of mixed emotions so below are a few tips on how to deal with this big news. While your partner becomes the centre of attraction during pregnancy, you may feel sidelined. However, you need not worry and focus on how you can keep yourself […]

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Psychological Changes in Pregnant Women

Psychological Changes in Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is considered as a phase wherein women appear to be bright and glowing all the time but it is not just joy but also a period of emotional and psychological turmoil affecting her mental and physical well-being. A woman responds to frequent rise and drop in hormonal levels differently during pregnancy. A pregnant woman may experience lot of mood swings, other may have sleeping […]

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Having Low Lying Placenta in Pregnancy?

Having Low Lying Placenta in Pregnancy?

Placenta has a vital role in pregnancy that is responsible for transport of blood, oxygen and food supply to the baby through the umbilical cord. A low lying placenta is a condition of placenta previa wherein your placenta is on abnormally lower side of the uterus. Women who are pregnant under 20 weeks generally have a low lying placenta but once it cross 28 weeks, […]

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What is a Uterine Prolapse?

What is a Uterine Prolapse?

Uterine Prolapse: when the pregnant mother’s uterine muscular structure becomes stretchy, weak or are incapable to carry a baby. In rare cases, it may result is slipping of the uterus from its original position towards the vagina or beyond. It may be categorized as complete or incomplete depending upon the position of the uterus at the time of its occurrence. Types of Uterine Prolapse: Incomplete […]

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Most Common Contractions Observed in Pregnancy

Most Common Contractions Observed in Pregnancy

Are you in the final phase of your pregnancy? If yes then your D-Day is not far! Your baby is about to arrive. Delivering a baby if one of the priceless moments of every woman. While you sit back and prepare for the big day, you might have questions popping in your mind about the actual birth and how does it happen. You might have […]

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Water Birth Uses, Benefits and Precautions

Water Birth Uses, Benefits and Precautions

Water birth is a gentler process of labor in a tub filled with warm water. It can be carried out at a hospital or at home. Many women are opting for this method at the time of delivery. The prime advantage of water birth is that the baby has grown in the gestational sac filled with amniotic fluid and while water birth, it creates a […]

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